What are the unique advantages that Metaseum brings to the table?

3 min readApr 11, 2022


Metaseum is a fast-growing company that brings the digital revolution into the art world, helping museums to find their space in the metaverse and the NFT market, create their own NFT collections and virtual galleries, with added bonuses such as special membership for NFT collectors in the metaverse and in physical events.

A wide network of partners in both markets

Metaseum is a project of Broken Egg, a company specialized in blockchain services, with partners in this whole field and a team invested in innovative digital marketing. Additionally, thanks to our long-standing partnership with BIEN Moves, a firm collaborating with museums creating high quality retail products, we have a large pre-existing network within the art world, with partners such as the Rijksmuseum or Kunstmuseum.

This network has been expanded in recent weeks by Metaseum’s participation in the START Summit in Switzerland between 23rd-24th of March and the Museum Connections fair in Paris on 30th and the 31st of the same month, in which we received a great deal of attention from the press and important clients, who were interested in evolving digitally in the metaverse with our assistance.

Talking to the press at the Museum Connections fair

Immersion, Accessibility and Membership

However, it is not only the wide network and innovative solutions offered by Metaseum to the art world that make us unique, but also the principles that guide our project: Immersion, Accessibility and Membership.

Immersion because we want to offer our partners and their clients the possibility to fully experience virtual reality; selling and purchasing NFTs, socializing, creating networks and conducting business inside the metaverse in an easy and intuitive way.

Accessibility because we promote open access to art, bringing the experience of museums into people’s homes, without need to spend on travel or accommodation, thus reaching a wider community and increasing interest for art amongst newer generations. At Metaseum we also use museums as a bridge between the crypto and the general public, who might be interested in art and new technologies but still don’t fully grasp the logic and intricacies of NFTs. Additionally, we believe that if museums start promoting this, people will feel more secure and confident to be part of these new technologies.

Finally, membership is offered as an incentive for museums to promote their own NFT collections and involving NFT owners in their network, providing them with access to exclusive events both in the metaverse and in person.

An example of a metaverse gallery.

In conclusion

Metaseum offers the perfect tool for adapting to the latest digital innovation and immersing experience for their customers and art enthusiasts in general into the world of web3 in an accessible way. We are best suited to carry out this transformation due to our contacts and expertise in both fields and the growing interest in our project.

